Voice of New Light publisher delivers the message of faith, love, and hope to people all over the world in response to the recent global efforts of integrating the era of 5G and the 4th Industrial Revolution
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The Five Loaves and Two Fish: Feeding the Five Thousand
새 빛의 소리
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편집자 서문


떡 하나생명의 길

떡과 물고기

오병이어의 타임라인

사건의 배경 1. 세례 요한의 죽음

사건의 배경 2. 가나의 혼인잔치

사건의 배경 3. 왕의 신하의 아들

어부의 집

큰 무리를 보시고

저녁이 되매

한 아이가 있어

푸른 잔디 위에

너희가 먹을 것을 주어라

먹고 다 배불렀더라

남은 조각 열두 바구니

다시 혼자 산으로 떠나 가시니라

물 위를 걸으심


떡 둘보리떡 다섯 개

생명의 떡 새 곡식

슬기로운 다섯 처녀

남자와 여자

요셉의 단

내 양과 다른 양

오병이어와 여호와의 7절기

두 가지 세례

떡 셋물고기 두 마리

어부와 물고기

좌편 강도와 우편 강도

산 영과 살려주는 영

여자의 부활

마르다와 마리아

두 염소

두 가지 씨앗

떡 넷큰 물고기 153마리

추가된 마지막 장

세 번째로 나타나심

일곱 제자

이 밤에 아무 것도 잡지 못하였으니

배 오른편에 던지라

겉옷을 두른 후

숯불 위에 놓인 떡과 물고기

큰 물고기 153마리

그물이 찢어지지 아니하였더라

와서 조반을 먹으라

떡 다섯하나님의 나라

아브라함의 4대손 요셉과 열한 형제

요셉의 자손과 야곱의 자손

하나님의 나라 왕들과 제사장들

여자와 아이 야곱과 에서

천년왕국과 초막절의 성물

왕국의 모형 너와 네집

영원한 복음



저는 하나님을 전혀 모르고 살던 사람이었습니다. 1994년 친구의 권유로 로스앤젤레스에 있는 한인 교회에 방문한 첫날 성령께서 일방적으로 저를 찾아 오셔서 하나님을 처음 만나는 경험을 했고, 그 이 후에 30-50대를 기쁨으로 교회를 섬기고 헌신 봉사하며 살았습니다.

저를 사랑한 많은 목회자분들이 신학을 권유하며 목회자의 길로 가기를 권면해 주셨지만, 하나님께서 신학교 수업을 받아야 한다는 감동은 전혀 주지 않으시고, 이름도 없는 작은 불꽃이 되어 열방을 중보하는 기도자로 20년 이상 훈련하시면서, 작은 기도 모임을 통해 살아서 역사하시는 하나님을 많이 경험케 해주셨습니다.

오랜 세월이 흐르는 동안 하나님의 깊은 영적 세계의 비밀을 정말 하루도 빠지지 않고 날마다 24시간 기름부어 주셨는데, 참으로 놀랍게도 모세를 통해 하늘의 모형으로 만든 성막의 구조와 성막의 기구들 안에 하나님의 나라를 성취하는 구속사의 비밀을 모두 담아 놓은 사실을 드러내 주셨습니다.

그리고 요한계시록에 기록해 놓은 영원한 복음 안에 여호와의 7절기와 희년의 제도와 마지막 대희년의 세대에 예비해 놓은 7년 풍년과 7년 흉년의 두 안식년 시기로 정해진 하나님의 시간표에 따라 그리스도의 비밀한 재림의 시기를 정확히 예언 계시해 놓았다는 사실을 알려 주셨습니다.

마지막 때 생명의 새 양식으로 전하는 영원한 복음의 실체를 열방의 교회와 성도들에게 다시 예언하여 수천 년 동안 침묵하고 있던 성경의 진리를 밝혀서 성경의 무오성을 입증하고, 이 시대에 무너져 있는 열방의 성벽들을 다시 세우는 영적 예배가 회복 되길 소망하는 마음입니다.

이 글의 취지는 마지막 추수때 한민족 가운데 의로운 한국인으로 예비해 놓은 7000인의 빛의 아들들의 등에 늦은비 성령의 기름을 부어서, 죄악이 관영한 어두운 시대에 일어나 열방에 등불을 비추어서 목마르고 의에 주린 형제 자매들을 위로하고 치유해서 회복을 이루는 것입니다.

여러분들과 함께 이 시대 열방의 교회의 현실을 분별하고 애통한 마음을 함께 공감하며 기도하기 원합니다. 사랑합니다. 샬롬!

  •  My Page > My Order List > Exchange/Return, Customer Service(010-2528-1712 or vonl2026@naver.com)
Return/Exchange period
  •  Products ordered within 10 days of delivery
Return/Exchange cost
  •  In the case of simple remorse or purchasing error, the cost of returning the product is the responsibility of the customer.
  •  The box packaging complies with the standard and weight for courier delivery. In the case of simple remorse or purchasing error, the cost of returning the product is charged per box.
Reason for NO return/exchange
  •  When products are lost or damaged on the responsibility of the customer.
  •  When the value has decreased significantly to the extent that it is difficult to resell over time.
  •  When it falls under the restrictions of the withdrawal of consumer subscription as prescribed by the Act on Consumer Protection in E-commerce, etc.
Consumer damage compensation
  •  Items related to return, exchange, A/S, refund, quality assurance, and damage compensation, due to product defects, are handled in accordance with the consumer dispute resolution standards (notified by the Fair Trade Commission).
Compensation for delayed refund
  •  Payment conditions and procedures for payment of refunds and delayed refunds are handled according to the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.




The voice of new light' (hereinafter "Company")
We value your privacy and personal information, and we comply with the law on "Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection".

Through the personal information handling policy, the company will notify you of the purpose and method of using the personal information provided by the customer and what measures are being taken to protect personal information.

Whenever the company amends the privacy policy, we will notify you through the website’s announcement board or through individual notices.

ο This policy is effective as of July 1, 2020.

Sections regarding the personal information processing policy
Sections regarding the personal information processing policy
1. Personal information collection 7. Rights of users and legal representatives and how to exercise them
2. Collection and usage of personal information 8. Matters concerning the installation, operation, and rejection of automatic personal information collection device
3. Period of processing and retaining personal information 9. Purpose of cookies usage, etc
4. Destruction procedure of personal information 10. How to refuse cookies setting
5. Provisions of personal information 11. Civil service related to personal information
6. Consignment of collected personal information  
The company collects the following personal information for membership registration, consultation, service application, etc.

ο Collected items: name, login ID, password, phone number, address, mobile phone number, email, cookies
ο How personal information is collected: homepage (member registration, customer voice), delivery request

The company uses the collected personal information for the following purposes:

ο Implement contracts for both service provision and book selling services via aforementioned service provision
ο Member management, identity verification according to membership service use
ο Advertising information such as events used for marketing and advertising

After the collection and usage of personal information is achieved, the company destroys the information promptly.
The company destroys personal information immediately after the collection and usage of the customer’s personal information. The destruction procedure and method are as follows:

ο Destruction procedure
- The information entered for membership registration is transferred to a separate database after the purpose is achieved (in the case of paper, a separate document), according to the internal policy and other relevant laws and regulations (see retention and usage period) it may be stored for a designated period of time and then destroyed.
- Personal information transferred to a separate database will not be used for any purpose other than being retained, unless required by law.

ο Destruction method
- Destroyed through a data deletion method

In principle, the company does not provide the user's personal information to any external parties. However, the following cases are exceptions:

- When users agree in advance
- When the provisions of laws and regulations require it or when there is a request from an investigative agency in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by laws and regulations for investigation purposes

The company does not entrust your information to external parties without your consent. In the event that such a need arises in the future, we will notify the customer of the entrusted party and the contents of the entrusted work and, if necessary, receive prior consent.
Users and legal representatives can view or modify personal information of themselves or children under the age of 14 registered at any time and may request termination of subscription.
To view or modify personal information for users or children under the age of 14, click "Change Personal Information" (or "Edit Member Information"). If you would like to withdraw consent click "Withdrawal of Membership" to go through the personal identification process to cancel. You can directly view, correct, or withdraw after the identity verification process.
Or, if you contact the person in charge of personal information management by writing, telephone, or email, we will take action without delay.
If you request to correct an error in personal information, the personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed.
In addition, if the wrong personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party without delay of the result of the correction process so that correction can be made.
The Company shall terminate personal information that is canceled or deleted at the request of the user or legal representative,
It is processed according to the provisions of "Retention and use period of personal information collected by our company", and is processed so that it cannot be viewed or used for other purposes.
The company operates ‘cookies' that store and find your information on occasion. Cookies are very small text files sent to your browser by the server used to run the Voice of New Light website and are stored on your computer's hard disk. The Company uses cookies for the following purposes.
- Personalized service provided according to the access method of members and non-members
- You have the option to install cookies.
Therefore, you may allow all cookies by setting options in your web browser, check every time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies.
Example: As a method of refusing to set cookies, you can accept all cookies, check each time you save cookies, or refuse to save all cookies by selecting the option on your web browser settings.

Example of setting method (for Internet Explorer): Tools> Internet Options> Personal Information at the top of the web browser

However, if you refuse to install cookies, there may be difficulties in providing the service.
In order to protect customer's personal information and handle complaints related to personal information, the company has designated the relevant departments and personal information managers as follows.

Customer Service : Yusin Kim
Phone : 010-2528-1712
Email : vonl2026@naver.com

You can report any complaints related to the protection of personal information arising from using the company's services to the person in charge of personal information management or the department in charge.
The company will promptly respond to users' reports.